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René Calles

Developer, Media Enthusiast and Fisherman

Introducing "Tears of Steel"

Tears of Steel poster

On the way looking for great footage for my next tutorials i stumbled upon a new great short movie named “Tears of Steel”. It is created with the open source 3D creation software blender. You may know blender from short movies like Sintel or Big Buck Bunny, if not you should definetly take a look at blender’s gallery. “Tears of Steel” is published under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license which allows me to use and remix it.

The movie is freely available for download from the Mango-Project Website in different resolutions and formats up to 4k. They also provide subtiles and sound files. I choose this movie as i want you being able to use the same video materials as i use in my tutorials. As 4k movies need a lot CPU power, i’ll focus on the 1080p HD format. This is also consuming a lot of CPU but more than a half less than 4k video.

I hope you like it too as i will use it for my upcoming tutorials. The upcoming topics will be scaling, cropping, letterboxing, watermarking and so on.

Enjoy the movie…